Week 5
During the last week of June, my mentor Ben Gregory was out of the office for a vacation. As such, I have been tasked with catching up on the backlog of PCR and gel electrophoresis necessary to identify the difference between Cx . restuans and Cx. pipens . Normally, during the week, I have performed two PCR’s per week; however, with six different trap nights coming in a week, and the preference to run smaller, 36 sample groups from each trap night, it has been challenging to keep up. On Monday, Izi and I ran three PCR’s. Then I had to go set up traps at the last three sites of June; Hillcrest Park, SERC, and Church of the Holy City. The Hillcrest Park gravid trap was set up between two trees next to a pond. The park happened to be windy, and I got dust in my eyes! On Tuesday, we ran more PCRs and got 100% amplification when viewing the gels. We also had to make more gels for gel electrophoresis on Wednesday. Here is the 100% amplification gel! I was so proud of t...